Promotion & Ads

Promotion & Ads

We will plan, launch and optimise your advertising campaigns to reach your business goals.

Meta Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram only allows brands to reach up to 8%. Social media advertising allows your brand to be seen by your ideal audience.

Atawad enhances your presence and advertising strategy on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to achieve your objectives. Driving traffic to your website, generating leads, and thereby increasing prospects, and boosting your sales... The benefits of social ads are plentiful.⁣

The strength of this marketing approach lies in its highly precise targeting and impressive conversion rates. Social ads allow you to pinpoint your audience not only in terms of conventional socio-demographic information but also based on users' interests, browsing behavior, and online purchase patterns.⁣

Determining the right budget, targeting preferences, compelling storytelling, and platform selection can be challenging. Atawad supports you at every stage of the campaigns and analyzes their performance. Subsequently, we provide detailed reports and advice to optimize your future advertising strategy.⁣

Make a difference today and get in touch with us! 💌


We Make Brands More Social 🤘