

Development of a Digital Strategy and Content Creation

🔍 Context and Problem Statement

Casino, with over 12,000 supermarkets worldwide, is expanding its footprint in Asia to become the foremost distributor of French food products in the region. To reach and engage its primary targets—locals and expats—Casino has entrusted us to create, manage, and develop their social media presence. Our goal is to enhance their brand image, drive and increase sales, and build a strong connection with their audience.



Accompaniment objectives for Social Media and website

🔸 Develop and strengthen the brand’s presence on social media
🔸 Raise awareness of the Casino brand among local and expat audiences
🔸 Identify and collaborate with key influencers to boost visibility
🔸 Differentiate the brand from all competitors
🔸 Create compelling storytelling and unique, original, and inspiring content


Actions implemented

🔸 Implementation of a comprehensive social media strategy and creation of Facebook and Instagram accounts
🔸 Launch of an influencer marketing campaign
🔸 Activation and engagement through posts and contests
🔸 Initiation of targeted advertising campaigns
🔸 Creation and distribution of content on social media, including promotional recipe videos featuring Casino products

We Make Brands More Social 🤘